Vrijwilliger LHBTQ vluchtelingengroep
Scan me of ga naar www.vcwageningen.nl/o/Vrijwilligers-CentrumWageningen-MeeDoen/activiteiten/Volunteer-LGBTQ-refugee-group/59984 om je aan te melden
Wil jij samen werken aan het opbouwen van een supportgroep voor LHBTQ personen die in het AZC wonen? Je co-creëert een safe space & organiseert activiteiten.Uitgebreide omschrijving
Together with people living at the asylum seekers center (AZC) you organize a support group and other activities at the location and/or in the center. Co-creation is paramount here. The people who you organize this group with, have experience in organizing support groups and other activities for LGBTQ people in the countries they are from. The aim is to create a safe space where people can be themselves and can freely talk about their feelings and other topics.
In addition, you also emphatically encourage the people in the group AZC to volunteer at or visit other places in Wageningen, to organise activities that brings out their talents. You will be supported in this volunteer position by the coordinator of #meedoen. A participation project that takes place in the AZC.
There is a small budget to organize the activities.
Because people from the asylum seekers' center come and go, it is important that a number of people who live in Wageningen take the lead. This is to ensure continuity and of course to make the connection with the city.
The Volunteer Center runs the participation desk at AZC Keijenbergseweg and AZC Bosrandweg. Residents come to the desk to see which activities they can participate in. These are volunteer jobs, but also language and meeting activities.
There is a strong need and desire to organize a safe space by LGBTQ people from the AZC. That is why we want to start this group.